Where’d she go?
Lost her mind
Lost her rhyme
Lost in stagnant time
Stuck on rewind
The horizon fell down a groundhog hole
An endless night
At least rock bottom
Has a floor to fight
Not like this blackhole
Emptying away the better parts of herself
An interstellar mission to retrieve
Sinking deeper and deeper
From 2020 till now,
a doomsday-peddled hoax,
called 2023
Descending into bottomless depths
The scariest place to be
A hall of green mirrors reflecting
the delusion of Emerald City
Behind the smoke and mirrors
Is a wizard
Who turns out to be
... a she
20/20 vision of self-actuality
Her fading fragmented shadow-self bestows her with 3 blessings:
The harsh truth
Radical acceptance
And self-accountability
See, the emptiness was hers all along
Poltergeist of a shamed inner-self
But now, in the present moment, she sees
"Observe the observer",
her future self speaks,
Expose the cognitive distortions
The thinking errors
The unconscious negative biases
Till suddenly
Falling reimagines itself into surrendering control
Sailing into a golden-dawn alchemical destiny
With faith and ease
In this new universe, she's got nowhere else to be
But here with presence
Mind comatose
But soul embodied
A great soma reset
and finally, unboundaried
She's free